Solana Prediction Market tweeted that it has completed testnet testing. The team has taken all feedback to improve the platform and will soon launch the mainnet on Solana. Previously, has been launched on the testnet. Users can create opinions and trading opinions and open "agree" or "disagree" votes. When the user has completed the selection, 20% of the investment amount will be deducted from the liquidity on the other side.
Solana 预测市场 发推表示,其已结束测试网测试。团队采纳了所有反馈完善平台,并将很快在 Solana 上线主网。 此前消息, 已上线测试网。用户可创建观点和交易意见并开启“同意”或“不同意”投票。当用户选择完毕后,投资金额的 20% 将从另一边的流动性中扣除。
StakeStone, a full-chain liquid asset agreement, tweeted "If users hold assets such as STONE/SBTC/STONEBTC/BERASTONE, they need to continue to hold them" with camera photos, or hinted at the upcoming airdrop snapshot.
全链流动性资产协议 StakeStone 发布推文“若用户持有 STONE / SBTC / STONEBTC / BERASTONE等资产,需继续持有”并配有相机照片,或暗示即将进行空投快照。
2月26日消息,StakeStone 正式发布白皮书,其中表示,StakeStone 是一种去中心化自适应全链流动性基础设施,该协议引入了 STONE(生息 ETH)、SBTC 和 STONEBTC(分别为全链流动性 BTC 和生息 BTC)以及 LiquidityPad,使用户能够释放全链流动性,同时赚取优化和可持续的回报。 StakeStone 的治理代币 STO 负责协调全链上的所有价值流动,同时实现协议的去中心化治理。StakeStone 采用...
On January 16, Lista DAO joined forces with Stakestone to launch Berachain's new incentive pre-deposit vault. Users can deposit BTCB on BSC with a minimum deposit amount of 0.001 BTCB. Users will receive multiple rewards such as Berachain, Stakestone, and LISTA.
1月16日消息,Lista DAO联手Stakestone新推出Berachain的激励性预存款金库,用户可以在BSC上存入BTCB,最低充值金额为0.001BTCB,用户将收到Berachain、Stakestone、LISTA等多重奖励。
Full-chain liquidity infrastructure StakeStone released the Berachain Vault pre-deposit activity, which exceeded 10,000 addresses in 2.5 hours, and the deposit exceeded 30 million US dollars. Gas consumption reached the first place in the whole network.
全链流动性基础设施StakeStone发布Berachain Vault预存款活动,在2.5小时内超过1万地址参与,存款超3000万美金。Gas消耗达全网第一。
On the eve of the November CPI data, a new report says the leadership of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics is responsible for a series of missteps this year that have put the agency under scrutiny. However, the report, produced by a team of government and private sector experts, said none of the incidents were related to the quality or accuracy of the agency's core data work. It added that no underlying motive for dishonesty or bad faith was found. Previously, the US CPI leaked early in April. I...
MARA Holdings, Inc., a bitcoin miner, announced that using the proceeds from its zero-coupon convertible note offering, MARA acquired 11,774 BTC at a price of approximately $96,000 per bitcoin, valued at approximately $1.10 billion, and achieved a BTC yield of 12.3% in QTD and 47.6% in YTD. As of December 9, 2024, 40,435 BTC were held, currently worth $3.90 billion based on the spot BTC price of $96,500.
The South Korean side said it would take all necessary measures to stabilize the market. The South Korean government said that South Korea will provide unlimited liquidity to the market if necessary.
Ethereum liquidity staking protocol StakeStone announced the completion of a $22 million financing, led by Polychain Capital. The financing includes strategic investments from Binance Labs and OKX Ventures, a seed round led by SevenX, and participation from Nomad Capital and HashKey Capital.